Frequently asked questions

Question: On the "Collateral items" tab, the value of the pledged property must be reflected in BYN. How to specify the value of the pledged property, if it is reflected in a different currency under a pledge agreement?

Answer: It is necessary to indicate the amount in Belarusian rubles, converted at the rate of the NB RB at the date of the contract.

Question: How to get an extract from the Registry on paper?

Answer: In order to receive an extract from the Registry on paper, it is necessary:

  1. To pay for the service of obtaining information from the Registry. The tariff " Submission of information from the Registry (3 requests)" provides the right to receive an extract certified by the Registry Operator only once.
  2. Search.
  3. On the page with the search results use the button "Certified report on paper".
  4. In the form below, fill in the fields.
  5. When choosing the method of obtaining an extract "Get a report on paper to the postal address", specify the postal address.
  6. When choosing "I take the report Itself" get an extract in the RUERE «Software Applied Systems Institute at the address: 220013 Minsk, 18 Belomorskaya Street.

    It is also possible to request a written request for information from the Registry to the Registry Operator (a copy of the payment document is attached to the request).

    Question: In what time period can I receive an extract from the Registry on paper?

    Answer: An extract from the Registry in hard copy is provided by the Registry operator no later than two working days from the date of receipt of the request.

    Question: In which case should the record be archived (deleted from the Registry)?

    Answer: In case of the expiration of the right of pledge, the entry must be transferred to the archive. According to part 2 of paragraph 2.8. Presidential Decree No. 539, "pledgees are required to ensure the exclusion of information from the Registry no later than 2 business days from the date they learned or should have learned about the termination of the right to pledge, and are liable for damages caused to other persons by non-performance of this duty."

    Question: How can I get the opportunity to create additional accounts for employees of the same organization?

    Answer: The function of creating users inside a corporate group is available to the user of the "External administrator" group.

    In order to gain access to the account of the external administrator of the Registry, you must send the administrator of the registry the following credentials for registration:

    1. Taxpayer's account number;
    2. The legal address of the organization (including the index);
    3. Name of company;
    4. Full name of the employee appointed by the administrator of the Registry in your organization;
    5. The position and contact phone number of the employee designated by the administrator;
    6. E-mail (employee appointed administrators).

    Login and password to log in will be sent to the specified email address.

    To contact the administrator of the Registry, you can use the button "Ask a question to the administrator" located in the main page of the "Help".

    Question: If the pledger is an individual entrepreneur, what type of pledgor should be selected on the tab of the Pledgor: a "Citizen RB" or a "Legal body"?

    Answer: in this case an individual entrepreneur is indicated as a "Citizen RB".

    Question: If the debtor has not fulfilled its obligations in full at the end of the contract, how to be in that case?

    Answer: The end date of the right of pledge should be extended.

    Question: What information should the XML upload file contain?

    Answer: The description of the structure of the download file when working with the Registry of movable property encumbered by a pledge can be obtained from the section of the personal account of the external administrator "Loading data of the mortgaged property".

    Question: When entering the user's personal area, a message is displayed about the need to confirm the account, but the link is valid for 24 hours. What should I do if the 24 hours have passed and the user has not confirmed the account?

    Answer: It is necessary to send the user login to the administrator using the "Help" section of the main page of the site.

    Question: Tell me why is the service "Entering information with the help of the operator and the owner of the Registry or notary" offered?

    Answer: The pledge holder has the right to apply for making (changing, excluding) information in the Registry to the Registry Operator or notary. The service is provided on a paid basis in accordance with the tariffs published on the main page of the site in the section "Payment for services". This service is provided for those cases when the user does not have the technical ability to contribute information independently (lack of Internet, computer, etc.).

    Question: Which browser should I use for the correct operation of the Registry?

    Answer: Internet Explorer (not lower than version 9), Google Chrome, FireFox, Opera.

    Question: How to edit an entry in the Registry, if the employee who entered the record on the Registry is on leave, on a sick leave, goes into a decree, etc.?

    Answer: For cases when an employee who has entered the Registry is on leave, on a sick leave, leaves for the decree, it is possible to transfer the right to record to another employee. To do this, it is necessary for the external administrator in the "My users" section to find the login of the user whose records are to be transferred to another user, go to the editing mode, then in the drop-down list "User to whom the right to edit data of the current account is transferred" select a user who can later edit Record the current user.

    Question: What search criteria are available when searching information in the Registry?

    Answer: Information search in the Registry is carried out by 3 criteria:

    1. Pledgor;
    2. Registration number;
    3. VIN-number of the vehicle body.

    Question: Why use the "Add by code" button and the identification number of the entry?

    Answer: The identification code is generated and assigned to each entry. Used when you need access to a record made by another user (notary, Registry operator, employee of another department, etc.). To add an entry made by another user, use the "Add by code" button in the "My records" section.

    Question: What should be done in case if an additional agreement was signed under the entered contract, according to which it is necessary to edit the entry in the Registry?

    Answer: In case of an additional agreement:

    • When adding new pledged items - a new entry is made to the Registry (in the Agreement tab, the Agreement number is indicated, for example, "No.XX, Supplementary Agreement No.X").
    • With a decrease in the number of collateral items, we edit the current entry. With the type of property "Vehicle": delete items in the "Collateral Items" tab.
    • With the property type "Other movable property", or we delete items in the "Collateral Items" tab, or attach a new file with the inventory, or in the "Description, generic features" field, we indicate that under the additional agreement No.XX, the following items are excluded: X.XX

    Question: How do I fill the "Author" column in the "My entries" and "Group entries" sections?

    Answer: In the "Author" column, if the author's last name, first name and patronymic are filled in, the author's name, otherwise the name of the legal entity, is displayed. In order for the column "Author" to display the data correctly, it is necessary to fill in the credentials of all registered users.

    To change the "Name" of a user registered by an external administrator, you need to contact the external administrator.

    At the external administrator in the personal account:

    1. Select "My users";
    2. Find in the list of users whose details you want to change;
    3. Select "Edit";
    4. Fill in the full name;
    5. Click "Save".

    Question: Is the information automatically deleted from the Registry if the date of termination of the right of pledge has come?

    Answer: Neither Registry operator, nor automatically, no information from the Registry is deleted. According to part 2 of paragraph 2.8. Presidential Decree No. 539, "pledgees are required to ensure the exclusion of information from the Registry no later than 2 business days from the date they learned or should have learned about the termination of the right to pledge, and are liable for damages caused to other persons by non-performance of this duty."

    Question: Is there a mechanism for returning records from archival records to active records in the Registry?

    Answer: Records transferred to the archive can be restored only by registering a new entry, in this case the corresponding security right becomes effective against third parties only from the date of registration of the new entry. If you deleted by mistake, when you enter a new entry you can in the "Agreement" tab specify the registration number deleted by mistake and the date of transfer to the archive.

    Question: What formats of files can be attached to the description of the subject of the pledge?

    Answer: Only one document with the extension .pdf and the size of no more than 4 megabytes can be attached to one subject of pledge.

    Question: How do I enable the autocomplete feature (so that the mortgagor is automatically filled in)?

    Answer: Links to instructions for different browsers:

    Google Chrome -

    Firefox -

    Interner Explorer -

    Question: Is it necessary to enter information on the existing securities pledge agreements in the Registry? And about the guarantee deposit agreement of money?


    1. On the issue of the need to enter information on the existing securities pledge agreements into the Registry:

      Decree No. 539 does not apply to relations regulated by securities laws. Accordingly, information on securities pledge agreements is not required to be entered into the Registry.

    2. On the question of the guarantee deposit of money:

      The guarantee deposit of money is one of the ways to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement (Article 147 of the Banking Code). Decree No. 539 provides that information on the rights of pledgeholders to movable property belonging to the pledgers is included in the Registry, which is encumbered with a pledge. That is, the way to ensure the fulfillment of obligations is a pledge. Therefore, it is not necessary to enter information about another method of collateral (a guarantee deposit of money).