
About the Registry

Registered pledged items: 145327

  • vehicles: 91892
  • other movable estate: 53435

Items moved to the archive: 332934

The Registry is an information system containing information about the rights of the pledgeholders to movable and encumbered with a pledge property belonging to the pledgers, on the basis of which, in the case of a subsequent pledge, the priority of the pledgee is determined to satisfy his claims with respect to the rights and legitimate interests of other pledgeholders at the expense of the same property of the pledger.

The Registry is created on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus № 539 issued on 12/31/2015 «About the Registry of Encumbrances on Movable Property». The order of functioning is defined. Regulations on the procedure for the formation, maintenance, operation of the Registry of Encumbrances on Movable Property, and access to it.. This provision has been approved Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus from 8/26/2016 № 681/21.

Operator and owner of the Registry is determined Republican Unitary Enterprise Research and Engineering "Software Applied Systems Institute" (RUERE "Software Applied Systems Institute").
10/10/2022 RUERE "Software Applied Systems Institute" renamed to republican unitary enterprise «Digital Development Center» (state enterprise «Digital Development Center»).
Provision of services by the Registry operator is regulated Public contract for provision of services .

Registry Functions

Adding information to the Registry

Adding information into the Registry by the pledgee independently, using User personal account, is carried out at no charge. When you add information in the Registry by applying to the Registry Operator (state enterprise «Digital Development Center») or a notary, the pledgee pays for the services for the performance of such actions provided by these persons. The order of payment for services and details for payment are indicated in the section «Payment for services».

Changing the information contained in the Registry

Changing of information contained in the Registry by the pledgee independently, using User personal account, is carried out at no charge. If you change the information in the Registry by applying to the Registry Operator (state enterprise «Digital Development Center») or a notary, the pledgee pays for the services for the performance of such actions provided by these persons. The order of payment for services and details for payment are indicated in the section «Payment for services».

Exclusion of information from the Registry

The exclusion of information from the Registry by the pledgee independently, using User personal account, is carried out at no charge. If you exclude information from the Registry by applying to the Registry Operator (state enterprise «Digital Development Center») or a notary, the pledgee pays for the services for the performance of such actions provided by these persons. The order of payment for services and details for payment are indicated in the section «Payment for services».

Adding markers of objection to the information contained in the Registry

A user who has found information in the Registry that is untrue and violates the rights and legitimate interests of that user or other persons is entitled to independently, using User personal account, make a marker on the objection against this information to the Registry at no cost. A user who has found information in the Registry that has not been changed or not excluded by the pledgeholder in case of changing information provided for entering information into the Registry is entitled to independently, using User personal account, add to the Registry on a gratuitous basis a marker about the objection to this information.

Exclusion markers of objection from the Registry

Exclusion of the marker from the Registry by the user who added the marker on their own, using User personal account. The marker entered in the Registry, which was not previously excluded by the user who added this mark, is excluded simultaneously with the change or exclusion from the Registry of information for which it was submitted.

Provision of information from the Registry

The information contained in the Registry is provided by the Registry Operator (state enterprise «Digital Development Center») on a reimbursable basis. The information contained in the Registry is provided free of charge to the courts of general jurisdiction, tax authorities, investigative agencies, prosecutors, the State Control Committee, the Investigative Committee and the National Bank, other state bodies in cases provided for by legislative acts, mortgagees and Notaries in respect of movable property, information on the pledge of which was contributed by these pledgees and notaries to the Registry, as well as judicial enforcement. The documents can be submitted by displaying them on the website or on paper. Users, when using User personal account And when providing information from the Registry, has the right to get acquainted with the history of entering information into the Registry, changing it or excluding it from the Registry, entering marks into the Registry and excluding them from the Registry with respect to the relevant movable property in chronological order for ten years from the date of the relevant actions. The order of payment for services and details for payment are indicated in the section «Payment for services».

Registration is not required to obtain information from the Registry!

Payment for services

When you pay, you can not sum up the tariffs, each service must correspond to a separate payment.

Tariffs for services rendered by the Registry Operator (state enterprise «Digital Development Center»):

Name of services Cost (BYN)
1 Adding information to the Registry 4,20 (For an individual)
2 Changing the information contained in the Registry 2,10 (For an individual)
3 Exclusion of information from the Registry 2,10 (For an individual), 6,30 (For a legal body)

Tariffs for the provision of information from the Registry:

Name of services Cost (BYN)
1 Submission of information from the Registry (3 requests) - tariff is valid for a month,
gives the right to receive a certified report only once
2 Subscription for a month for the use of the Registry (30 requests) 147,00
3 Subscription for a month for the use of the Registry (150 requests) 714,00
4 Subscription for a month for the use of the Registry (300 requests) 1386,00

Additional services of the Registry operator for loading data into the Registry in XML format (for legal bodies):

Name of services Cost (BYN)
1 Single download of XML data 500,00
2 Monthly subscription for uploading XML data 700,00

The persons specified in clauses 1 to 14 of Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On State Social Benefits, Rights and Guarantees for Certain Categories of Citizens" are exempted from paying fees for services provided by the Registry Operator, subject to documentary evidence of the circumstance that is the basis for exemption from the implied fees.

Payment Methods

1. Bank transfer

Requisites for payment by bank transfer:

A recipient: republican unitary enterprise «Digital Development Center»
IBAN BY26BLBB30120100059271001003, BIC BLBBBY2X
TIN (UNP) 100059271
Purpose of payment - payment according to a public contract.

Реквизиты для оплаты с помощью банковского перевода (Российский рубль):

A recipient: RUERE "Software Applied Systems Institute"
расчетный счет № BY74BPSB30121075220296430000
в Дополнительном офисе № 702 Восток Региональной дирекции № 700 по г. Минску и Минской области
УНП 100059271
Purpose of payment - payment according to a public contract.

Реквизиты для оплаты с помощью банковского перевода (Евро):

A recipient: RUERE "Software Applied Systems Institute"
расчетный счет № BY56BPSB30121075220749780000
в Дополнительном офисе № 702 Восток Региональной дирекции № 700 по г. Минску и Минской области
УНП 100059271
Purpose of payment - payment according to a public contract.

Реквизиты для оплаты с помощью банковского перевода (Доллар США):

A recipient: RUERE "Software Applied Systems Institute"
расчетный счет № BY79BPSB30121075220908400000
220013, Республика Беларусь, г.Минск, ул.Беломорская,18
УНП 100059271
Purpose of payment - payment according to a public contract.

Attention! When paying for services by bank transfer, access to the Register is provided the next day after payment.

The act of delivery - acceptance of the services rendered is drawn up by the Contractor and the Customer individually in accordance with clause 4.10 of the public contract. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate in the act the exemption from VAT due to the fact that state enterprise «Digital Development Center» is a resident of the HTP (Regulation on the Hi-Tech Park, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 12 dated September 22, 2005).

2. System "Payment" (

You can pay for the service of obtaining information from the Registry through the system "Payment" (, in any place convenient for you, at a convenient time for you, at a convenient point of bank service - Internet Bank, with the help of mobile banking, info-kiosk, , ATM, etc.

You can make payments using cash, electronic money and bank payment cards at bank service points that provide services for receiving payments, as well as through remote banking tools.

More detailed information about payment centers of system "Payments" ( and methods of payment is available on the website: System "Payment" ( .

  1. Choose:
    • System "Payment";
    • Information Services;
    • Business Information;
    • RUERE "Software Applied Systems Institute" - Getting information from the Registry.
    • System "Payment";
    • Payment in ERIP by service code;
    • Enter the service code 4356161.
  2. To pay for the submission of information from the Registry, you must enter the Subscription Number received on the site;
  3. Check the correctness of the information;
  4. Make a payment.

If you make a payment at the bank's cash desk, please inform the cashier about the need to make a payment through the "Payment" system (


220013 Minsk, 18 Belomorskaya Street
Support service hours:
  • Monday-Thursday 9.00-18.00,
  • break 13.00-13.45
  • Friday 9.00-16.20, break 13.00-13.20
  • Days off: Saturday, Sunday
Contacts for communication:
Phone numbers:
  • +375 29 250 31 03
  • +375 17 290 07 80
  • +375 17 290 07 83